This patch includes:
1) an updated list of ICD-10 diagnosis codes effective October 2024,
2) an enhancement to allow direct access to employee W4 information, and
3) additional vendor fields that have been added to record freelance vendor agreement information.
ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes Update
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released the 2025 version of the ICD-10-CM files. These recently released files contain information on the ICD-10-CM coding updates for the 2025 fiscal year. These 2025 ICD-10-CM codes are to be used for billing for discharges occurring from October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025, and for patient encounters occurring from October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025.
This release incorporates these new ICD 10 diagnosis codes into the CHARTS ICD 10 diagnosis tables.
After loading this update, it is recommended that facilities run a LIST RESIDENT ICD10 CODES REPORT – “LISTICD” [CC, 5, 7] with ‘Print Only Currently Invalid Diagnosis’ set to ‘Y’ to determine which diagnosis codes currently on file will become invalid in October 2024.

W4 Access From Change Employee Personal / Earnings Information Screen
CHGPE [PR,8,1,2,1 ] – Change Employee Personal/Earnings Information
CHARTS has added a function key, PF’ 8, to allow direct access to employee W4 information while in the Change Employee Personal/Earning Information screen.
As always, the W4 information screen can still be accessed type typing W4 from any CHARTS menu.

W4 Tax Calculator
LISTAXW4 [PR,8,2,15,5] – List Federal Tax Based on W4
A W4 calculator is available that can be used to test how different responses to the W4 Form will effect federal tax withholding. Simply enter the starting Gross Check amount, ending Gross Check amount and a dollar increment. For example $1.000 thru $1,100 increment by $10 dollars. The program can base its calculations on either the current W4 form on file for the employee or on W4 inputs supplied on the screen.

Freelance Vendor Agreements
VENDOR2 [AP,4,5] – Additional Vendor Information – Independent Contractor Information section.
New York State recently passed the Freelance Isn’t Free Act (FIFA) which imposes various payment, recordkeeping and anti-discriminations requirements on companies that hire independent contractors or freelances. The legislation is intended to expand protections for freelances and independent contractors and imposes new requirements on employers that engage them. The act is similar to a New York City law that has been in effect since 2017. The New York State law goes into effect August 28, 2024.
Data items recording that there is an agreement of file and the effective dates of the agreement can now be maintained within CHARTS. These fields can also be reported on by using the Vendor Master Report Generator. Use fields 59 (independent contractor), 60 (agreement date) and 61 (effective until date) to generate the report as needed.