CHARTS Patch 129 Documentation: March 2, 2021

Patch129: March 2, 2021 Update – Complete CHARTS Release

The update includes:

1) an updated ICD10 file,

2) a PDPM rate breakdown when listing or posting room and board charges,

3) software updates required that extend for the temporary emergency CMS waiver extension until April 2021,

4) updates to the benefit programs for the newly enacted New York State Leave rule, and

5) an update to the Print Payroll Checks program that allows for printing of Sick accrual information only.

Updated ICD10 File

In response to the national emergency that was declared concerning the COVID-19 outbreak, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) implemented new diagnosis codes into the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM), effective January 1, 2021.

The new ICD-10 codes are for the following COVID-19-related illnesses:

1.   Encounter for screening for COVID-19 (Z11.52)

2.   Contact with and suspected exposure to COVID-19 (Z20.822)

3.   Personal history of COVID-19 (Z86.16)

4.   Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (M35.81)

5.   Other specified systemic involvement of connective tissue (M35.89)

6.   Pneumonia due to COVID-19 (J12.82)

PDPM Rate Breakdown when Listing or Posting Room and Board Charges

The List / Post Room and Board Charges program [AR, 2, 1] now provides a PDPM breakdown summary at the end of the report. The breakdown lists the various PDPM components and provides totals for the listing / posting period. This summary can assist the facility in analyzing reimbursement vs. actual costs for the various PDPM components – such at Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Nursing and Non Therapy Ancillary charges.

Covid Emergency Order Extended

The public health emergency surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic was set to expire on January 21, 2021. The Department of Health and Human Services has extended the emergency declaration for another 90 days. The extension is effective January 21 and extends the emergency into late April. The CHARTS software has been adjusted accordingly.

In the UB04INFO program [AR, 2, 7] , we have also added an additional question when setting the Covid indicator to waive the 3-day hospital stay,  ‘BENEFITS WAIVER’ . In those cases when the resident is a new admit and the resident would be entitled to a new Medicare 100 stay without the COVID emergency and the only reason for setting the ‘DR’ code is to waive the 3-day required  hospital stay, enter ‘N’ in the ‘BENEFITS WAIVER’ field. In those cases when the resident has recently exhausted his 100 days and the system is required to generate a new 100 day period, set the Benefits Waiver’ field to ‘Y’. This will cause the condition code ’57’ to appear on the bill, and set the remarks to ‘COVID 100’.

New York State Sick Leave (NYSSL)

Benefits Accrued Report  [BENEFITS  – PR, 4, 1]

In 2020 Governor Cuomo signed into law the New York State Sick Leave Law (NYSSL). Under NYSSL employers with 100 or more employees must provide employees with a minimum of 56 hours of paid sick leave. Employers with less than 100 employees must provide employees with up to minimun of 40 hours paid sick time in a year.

To implement New York State Sick Leave Law,  in User Parameters, Options III set option # 145 to ‘Y’. After the option has been set for any employee that has a minimum of one hour of eligible sick time entered in their master file Sick time benefits will be calculated as directed by NYSSL. Addionally if the facility has less than 100 employees, in User Parameters IV, set Option # 29 to ‘Y’.

UP, 14

CHGEMP – PR, 8, 1, 2, 1

Printing Sick Accrual Information on the Payroll Check

The New York State Sick Leave Law (NYSSL) required that detailed sick accrual information is displayed on the employee payroll check stub. CHARTS allows for the printing of detailed accual informaton for all accrual types: Vacation, Sick, Holiday and Personal. We have recently added the ability to print detailed accrual information for Sick hours only.

To Print Only Sick Accrual Information – When Printing Standard Laser Checks

User Parameters – Screen #5, ‘Accural on Check’ set to “S”.

If Printing Payroll Checks as Check Mailers Also Set the Following Option

User Parameters – Screen #14, Option # 123,  ‘S Mailer Accrual or Sick’ set  to “S”.

The End.